Intersection accidents usually have a higher rate of fatalities and serious injuries than other types of motor vehicle crashes. In intersection crashes, the cars strike each other at a perpendicular angle. One driver may suffer injuries that are consistent with those that they may sustain in a head-on crash because the impact is largely similar. There is a comparable amount of force unleashed on the front of their vehicle. The driver who has been struck was hit in an area of their vehicle where there may be less protection against crashes than there may be in other parts of the car. The effects can be more catastrophic when they are struck on the driver’s side of their car.
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in an intersection crash, it is vital that you hire a McLean, VA car accident attorney today. Your legal rights are on the line from literally the first minute after the crash, so you need someone who can work to protect them from the other driver’s insurance company.
Injuries in an Intersection Car Accident
Common intersection car accident injuries may include:
- Fractures and broken bones
- Head and neck injuries
- Lacerations and contusions
- Internal injuries and organ damage
- Soft tissue injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries
Intersection Car Accident Cases Can Have Their Own Unique Difficulties
Intersection accidents are among the most complex types of car accident cases, given the potential for each of the drivers to tell a different story about who was to blame for the accident. Remember that the driver who struck the other is not necessarily the one who is to blame for the accident. In an intersection crash, the driver who failed to yield the right of way when they were required to do so by law will be the one who is legally responsible. A driver may have run a stop sign and been struck by another driver, yet they are the ones who must pay for the damages from the accident.
If you have been involved in an intersection accident, you may find yourself in the middle of what is known as a “truth contest.” Each driver may be pointing the finger at the other, claiming that they were the one who failed to yield the right of way. To qualify for financial compensation, you need more than just your word, and you must have evidence that backs up what you are saying, even if you know that the other driver is the one who is not telling the truth.
How to Prove Your Case in an Intersection Accident Claim
Eyewitness testimony is the most effective form of evidence that can prove your side of the story in any type of car accident case. Your best hope is that there were other drivers or people in the vicinity who saw the other driver run a stop sign or red light and can testify about what they saw. Then, there can be footage of the actual crash that shows what happened. The police officer who showed up at the scene and wrote the accident report may have reached their own conclusions, and they could have even cited the other driver for running a stop sign or red light. All of these forms of evidence can be used to break any deadlock and prove your side of the story.
If all else fails, and you still find yourself with two competing stories, a car accident lawyer can work with expert witnesses who can give their opinion about the cause of the crash. These accident reconstruction experts can perform a forensic analysis of the accident to determine which driver was the one who failed to yield. They can analyze things like the wreckage of the crash and skid marks on the ground. The expert can review the damage to the cars and the angle of the accident and then apply principles of math and physics to recreate what happened. This expert witness testimony may be enough to break any deadlock between you and the other driver and the stories that you are telling.
You Can Still Be Blamed for an Intersection Car Accident
Even if you have established that the other driver was the one who failed to yield, it is still not the end of the story. The other driver’s insurance company can still try to partially blame you for the accident. They may claim that their own driver could not have properly judged the amount of time that you had to make the turn because you were speeding. Alternatively, the insurance company can claim that you may still have been able to avoid an accident had you not been distracted. Although these allegations may seem false to you, they are still something you will need to contend with when you are seeking compensation. Depending on the rules in use in your jurisdiction, they can reduce or eliminate your right to compensation for your injuries.
You Should Hire a Car Accident Lawyer Immediately After the Crash
Regardless, it is important that you hire a car accident attorney if you have been involved in an intersection crash or any other type of motor vehicle mishap. Hiring a car accident lawyer can have a direct impact on whether you can receive compensation for your injuries and how much you can get.
When liability may be hanging in the balance, the other driver’s insurance company may try to contact you and aggressively pressure you into giving a statement about the crash that you never have to make. A car accident attorney can communicate on your behalf, and their presence can keep the insurance company from being able to trap you into giving a statement that may hurt your claim. Then, your car accident lawyer can fight for you to receive the full amount of compensation that you deserve for your injuries. You do not have to pay anything upfront, making it easy to afford a personal injury lawyer.