If you have suffered an injury in an accident, you will find that your available funds may dry up quickly. You are receiving medical bills, and your share of the expenses can be considerable, even when your health insurance company is paying their part. Then, your accident injuries may leave you unable to work and earn the money that you need to pay your bills. You may think a personal injury attorney is the last thing you can afford. Thankfully, how a personal injury lawyer charges you for your case allows you to get legal help when you need it most.
How the Contingency System Works in a Personal Injury Case

A personal injury lawyer is paid based on the contingency system. While injury attorneys receive payment for their work, they know many injury victims do not have the money to pay upfront legal fees and expenses out of pocket. Legal policy wants injured victims to be able to afford an attorney. Otherwise, legal help after a personal injury would be something reserved for only the wealthy, which would be wildly unfair.
When you contact a personal injury attorney, they will begin by speaking with you during a free initial consultation. Then, you must decide whether you will hire the lawyer for your case. Since it does not cost you anything, you may consider getting a free consultation from more than one attorney so you can compare personal injury attorneys.
You Sign an Agreement That Promises to Pay the Lawyer if You Win
When you hire a personal injury lawyer, you sign a representation agreement. This agreement is a binding contract that states the terms of the legal representation. Both you and the attorney must follow it at all times.
The representation agreement prominently details how the personal injury attorney is paid. The agreement states that your attorney will receive a contingency fee if you win your case. Here, winning is defined as receiving money in connection with a claim or lawsuit, whether you agree to a settlement or you win your case in a jury trial.
The representation agreement will specify that the lawyer receives a percentage of your proceeds when you receive a settlement or award. What each lawyer charges may vary, but the percentage must be reasonable under legal ethical rules. When an attorney agrees to represent you, they commit to going the distance in your case, no matter how much time and effort it takes. They are obligated to provide you with competent and diligent legal representation no matter what. They must do everything in their power to obtain full compensation in your personal injury case. They only want to make this commitment if they believe you have a strong chance of winning.
You can trust that your and your lawyer’s interests are aligned due to contingency fees. You both have a stake in winning the case, as you both receive no payment if the claim is unsuccessful.
Your Lawyer Is Only Paid if You Win Your Case
Your lawyer is not paid unless you receive a settlement agreement or jury award. If you do not win your case, you will not receive a large bill from the personal injury lawyer at the conclusion. You do not owe your lawyer a penny for their time and services if you do not win. Your lawyer takes on the risk that they may get nothing after an extensive investment of their own time. That is the nature of the business for personal injury attorneys. The contingency fee system means that a lawyer may not want to take your case if they do not think you have a strong chance of receiving compensation. A lawyer does not want to devote their time to a losing case that will earn them nothing. At the end of the day, the lawyer needs to earn a living.
If you do receive a settlement check, your lawyer is paid directly from the proceeds of your case. Before you receive any money yourself, various other parties must receive payment. For example, there may be a medical lien against your settlement. The settlement check will be deposited directly into your lawyer’s escrow account. The lawyer will take their share from the check before the proceeds are wired to your account. At no time do you ever have to write a check to your lawyer from your own account.
The legal system wants you to get the help that you need. The law recognizes that everyone should have the right to get a lawyer when they need one. If you had to pay a lawyer hourly expenses, you might never afford one for your case. The contingency fee system means that a personal injury lawyer is accessible to you. Nobody is denied the legal help they need based on a lack of funds.
You Should Call a Personal Injury Lawyer Now

Since you pay an attorney the same percentage no matter when your case settles, it makes sense to call a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. This way, a personal injury attorney can get to work on your case immediately, gathering the evidence you need to prove that someone else owes you money for your injuries.
If you wait too long to get a personal injury lawyer, you can put your case in jeopardy. The insurance company might know the clock is running out on your case, and they can target you for aggressive action to compromise your legal rights. If you miss critical legal deadlines, you might lose the right to seek compensation altogether.
Seek your free consultation with a personal injury lawyer today. They will inform you whether they believe you have a viable case. Once you sign the representation agreement, your attorney can begin to gather evidence while working to estimate the value of your damages. Then, you have an advocate fighting for compensation while you focus on your injuries. The peace of mind comes at no upfront cost to you.