

Amy Griggs is a frequent speaker at legal seminars and speaking engagements. If you are interested in having Amy speak at your CLE or group, contact info@tysonstriallaw.com.

  • COMING SOON: "Overcoming Implicit Bias in Voir Dire" at the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Advanced Auto Retreat, July 28-29, 2023
  • "Effective Advocacy Over Zoom in the Courtroom and Beyond" at the Michigan Association for Justice Summer Convention in Grand Rapids on June 8, 2023
  • Presenter at the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Advanced Auto Retreat, July 29, 2022
  • Speaker on “Communicating with Juries” at the New Jersey Association for Justice Boardwalk Seminar, April 28, 2022
  • Convention Chair, Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Annual Convention: March 24-17, 2022
  • Presenter at the American Association for Justice Women Trial Lawyers Caucus Leadership Summit February 11, 2022 on “Finding Your Spark: Igniting Your Internal Leadership”
  • “Public Speaking: Amplify Your Message” presentation for the Junior League of Washington, January 27, 2022
  • Speaker at the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Advocacy Seminar, October 27, 2021, on “Empathy, Noise, and Other Errors in Decision-Making: What Modern Psychology Can Teach Trial Lawyers About Juries”
  • Conducted extensive research + analytics for the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association COVID Jury Project: Seminars August 11, 2020, October 20, 2020, February 4, 2021, March 24, 2021
  • “Public Speaking in the Zoom Age” presentation for the Junior League of Washington, January 7, 2021
  • “Case Theming in Traumatic Brain Injury Cases” for the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association; January 29, 2021
  • Presenter at the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Annual Convention on the VTLA COVID Jury Project; March 26, 2021
  • Speaker at the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association May Tort Law Seminar “Med School for Attorneys”: May 27, 2020 [online webinar]
  • Speaker at the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Annual Convention; March 27, 2020 [online webinar]
  • Speaker at the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Advocacy Seminar; October 22, 2019
  • Speaker at the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Advanced Auto Retreat; July 12, 2019
  • Moderated the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Judges Panel at the Annual Convention at the Homestead Resort; March 29, 2019
  • Presenter for Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Young Lawyers Boot Camp; February 2019
  • Organized and Moderated the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association Wrongful Death Retreat; October 2018
Photo May 27 2023, 1 48 05 PM
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